2 Tulsa Buildings Added To National Register Of Historic Places – News On 6
Wednesday, January 19th 2022, 11:06 am
TULSA, Oklahoma –
A pair of Tulsa buildings have just been added to the National Register of Historic Places for Social History.
Just north of Downtown Tulsa sitting up on a hill is Pioneer Plaza, an apartment building built-in 1969. It was the first low-income senior housing project built for the Tulsa Housing Authority, which was established in 1966. When it first opened, it provided about a quarter of the housing needed for seniors in Tulsa at that time.
The Oklahoma Historical Society says Pioneer Plaza still has a high degree of historic integrity with little changes made over the years. Also added to the registry is Hewgly Terrace, which sits next door to the OSU Medical Center. Built in 1970, it served the same purpose as Pioneer Plaza of providing housing for low-income seniors.
Listing in the National Register of Historic Places is a designation that provides recognition, limited protection, and, in some cases, financial incentives for these properties.