“Fortune Cookies” One Act play offers multiple viewing formats across Granite Falls – Granite Falls Advocate Tribune

A one act play about memory loss titled “Fortune Cookies” was offered up for viewers Thursday, November 18, in Granite Falls, Dawson, and Montevideo. There was no charge for the event, but registration was required for viewers to garner a seat at the GF Senior Center, GF Kilowatt Community Center, GF Senior Housing, JMHS Conference room, Dawson City Building, and Montevideo Millennium Theater host sites.  The host partners offered a warm viewing location bursting with snacks, smiles, and resource materials for the community based nonprofit organizations serving up the entertainment.

The Granite Falls Living at Home Block Program working with The Remember Project has put together events and activities aimed at reducing the stigma, fear, and isolation related to memory loss.

“Fortune Cookies” by Bonnie Dudovitz offered a twenty minute look into the life of characters Mona and David, a mother and son family construct learning how to identify and cope with the early stages of dementia.

nuLearn more about The Remember Project at www.rememberproject.org and the Granite Falls Living at Home Block Nurse Program at www.lahgranitefalls.org or call 320-564-3235.