Quant Guide 2022: Princeton University (Bendheim Center for Finance) – Risk.net
Princeton University’s Master in Finance is the top-ranked quantitative finance master’s degree in this year’s Risk.net Quant Guide. It’s the fourth year in a row that the programme has led the rankings.
The degree scores highly on metrics such as selectivity – namely, the proportion of offers made compared with total number of applicants – and the quality of teaching staff, as measured by number of citations in published work.
The number of full-time students on the programme has increased to 32 this year, against 20 in last year’s guide. The number of offers to students rose to 41 (from 33 last year), and the applications received also grew, from 597 last year to 664.
Fees are $112,940 for the two-year degree, and 10–20% of students receive a limited scholarship based on academic merit.
Popular modules include financial risk management and quantitative data analysis, says career development manager Lindsay Bracken. Other available modules include: a fintech class, which combines machine learning with microeconomic theory, with 50% of the course focused on Python; and a computational finance in C++ class.
The school offers services such as a new Master in Finance student bootcamp, mock interviews and resumé reviews, as well as a career speaker series and finance workshops. Students also have access to a full-time careers counsellor who works only with master’s students.
View this institution’s entry in the 2021 guide
View other universities and a guide to the metrics tables