Rapid City Legal & Finance approves RCFD Homeland Security funds – KNBN NewsCenter1 – Newscenter1.tv

RAPID CITY, S.D. — The Rapid City Fire Department is getting approval from the Legal and Finance Committee to apply for Homeland Security funds.

The committee vote was unanimous, and the amount of money is just over $103,000. The plan is for it to go towards a new chemical agent detector system, a push-pull genesis ram and structural collapse training.

2 16 Lf Rcfd Vo00 00 11 16still001Fire Chief Jason Culberson says now is the time to get the items on the city’s radar, given the short window to apply for the federal funds.

According to Chief Jason Culberson, “The Homeland Security grants open up this time of year and they close two weeks from now. So just after the city council meeting we’ll be able to apply so we have to apply by then.”

Culberson says the new equipment will improve RCFD’s ability to respond to certain incidents.

The items now go to the full council for approval this coming Monday.